With the thermometer rising to double digits here in Northern Ontario over the past few days, it’s left me totally pumped for the upcoming patio season.
Yes, it’s been a long enough winter with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing us to stay inside for more time then we’d probably want. But with the Spring and Summer weather just getting started, it’s time to focus on getting our back yards ready for the sizzling grills, the splashing cannonballs, and the late night stargazing.
Although there is a light at the end of this pandemic tunnel, there’s a good chance that we will still be spending much of our next few months around our own homes, but never fear – these 4 amazing “pandemic inspired” patio hacks will make your outdoor space a real destination.

1. A Friendly Front Yard
Pushed by the pandemic, we’ve seen our fair share of foldable lawn chairs set up 6 feet apart in the driveway in the past year – and for the most part, it was a good solution…it’s almost like we all forgot how much fun an old-school block party can be. Expect that trend to continue, but with more style. Regardless of how long we are going to maintain our social distancing protocals, a focus into creating a welcoming front yard with comfortable patio furniture, large tables to put food and drinks on, and ample lighting to let those socially distanced parties go long into the night, should be the norm.
Even cooler is that it adds a hint of personality to your home’s curb appeal by letting you show off your design chops for all the jealous neighbours to see.

2. Bringing the Inside Outside
Keeping with the “we’ve seen too much of the inside of our house” trend, some extra effort to add some additional creature comforts to our outside spaces is likely. Expect to see more outdoor movie theatres, outdoor bars, outdoor showers, and the always popular outdoor kitchens to pop up around your neighbourhood.
What’s more is that access to outdoor technology is becoming more vital than ever before. So why not pump up the tech with added heat, lighting, expanded wifi coverage, and accessible outlets to create your very own outdoor office space – make that blue sky background in your next Zoom meeting legit!

3. Dedicated Zen Zones
With all the stress of working from home, always being “plugged in”, and the hustle and bustle of family life, we all get a little bogged down at times. So why not make a little “you” space in your backyard? Dedicating a corner of your backyard that features plenty of sunlight, a comfortable seating area, water fountains, and lush gardens can give you a spa-like destination to escape from the grind for five, ten, or two hundred minutes.
It’s all about life-work balance right? And creating the perfect backyard zen zone can make that more accessible than ever.

4. Backyard Cottages
Ok yeah, I’ve heard them called “she sheds”, but frankly even men can take advantage of this trend – we just need to add a beer fridge and a pool table. If you haven’t heard, taking those resin, wood, or metal pre-fab sheds and turning them in to glorified living rooms is a thing now, and because it’s not attached to your home, there’s really no need to be conservative with the styling – the sky is the limit when it comes to creativity.
Personally, I’ve seen these resin sheds turned into pool change rooms, bunkhouses, man caves, and full blown movie theatres with quality patio furniture and projector screens. So get creative with these additional spaces – literally anything is possible!
So there you have it. Four creative ways that you can prep your pandemic inspired patio and smash some indoor fatigue. Got more ideas? I’d love to hear them! Send me a pic @adamsellshomes on Facebook or Instagram, and I’ll show off your goods!